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Sunday, 30 December 2012

Tipe - Tipe Budaya Politik dan ciri - cirinya

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Nama          : Fella Adiatika
No/kelas     : 21/XI IPS 2

Tipe budaya politik
Ciri – ciri budaya politik
Tipe budaya politik parokial adalah  tipe budaya politik yang orientasi politik individu dan masyarakatnya masih sangat rendah.
- lingkupnya sempit dan kecil
 -masyarakatnya sederhana dan tradisional bahkan buta huruf                
 -  Spesialisasi kecil belum berkembang.
 - Pemimpin politik  biasanya berperan ganda bidang  ekonomi, agama dan budaya
 - masyarakatnya cenderung  tidak menaruh minat terhadap objek politik  yang luas
 - masyarakatnya tinggal di desa terpencil di mana kontak dengan sistem politik kecil
Tipe budaya politik subyek adalah tipe budaya politik yang masyarakat dan individunya telah mempunyai perhatian dan minat terhadap sistem politik meski peran politik yang dilakukannya masih terbatas pada pelaksanaan kebijakan-kebijakan pemerintah dan menerima kebijakan tersebut dengan pasrah.
- Orang secara pasif patuh pada pejabat pemerintahan dan undang-undang.
- Tidakmelibatkan diri pada politik atau golput.
- Masyarakat mempunyai minat, perhatian,kesadaran terhadap sistem politik
- Sangat memperhatikan dan tanggap terhadap keputusan politik, atau output
 - Rendah dalam input kesadaran sebagai actor politik belum tumbuh.

Tipe budaya politik partisipan adalah tipe budaya politik yang Individu dan masyarakatnya telah mempunyai perhatian, kesadaran dan minat yang tinggi terhadap politik pemerintah. Individu dan masyarakatnya mampu memainkan peran politik baik dalam proses input (berupa pemberian dukungan atau tuntutan terhadap sistem politik) maupun dalam proses output (melaksanakan, menilai dan mengkritik terhadap kebijakan dan keputusan politik pemerintah)
 - Kesadaran masyarakat bahwa dirinya dan orang lain anggota aktif  dalam kehidupan politik.                         
  -  Melibatkan diri dalam system politik sangat berarti walaupaun hanya  sekedar memberikan suara dalam pemilu.                    
  - Tidak menerima begitu saja terhadap keputusan, kebijakan sistem politik
 - Dapat menilai dengan penuh kesadaran  baik input maupun output bahkan posisi dirinya sendiri.


Geguritan / Puisi Bahasa Jawa - Simbah (Nenek) - + Analisis Tema & Amanat

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Simbah . . . . .
Rikma pethak kang kagelung
Tutuk abrit amarga nginang
Lakumu sing teklak tekluk
Pitutur panjenengan kang becik
Katresnanmu marang anak-anakmu
Lan putu-putumu
Gegojekan panjenengan sing nglipur ati
Kang ngancani turu aku
Kala aku lara

Simbah . . . . .
Aku kangen sliramu
Nanging . . . . .
Donya uis misahne kita
Simbah . . . . .
Gusti sampun nimbali panjenengan
Aku sedih kala sliramu uwis ora ana
Nangis aku kudu iklas
Supados simbah
Saged tentrem ing alam kana

Tema              : katresnan
Amanat          : kudu bisa nglikasne tiang kang ditresnani dipendet gusti     ALLAH S.W.T

Nama             :  Affilla Fetty A.
No                   :  05
Kelas              :  X2


Pidato Bahasa Jawa - Peringatan Hari Kartini - (Pengetan Dinten Kartini)

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 Bapak Kepala sekolah ingkang kinurmatan.
Bapak, Ibu Guru ingkang satuhu luhuring budi.
Para kanca, siswa-siswi ingkang kula tresnani.

       Sumangga langkung rumiyin sami ngaturaken syukur dhu-mateng Gusti Mahakwasa ingkang kepareng paring rahmat lan hidayahipun. Kita sadaya taksih saged kempal manunggal kanthi tentrem, bagas, waras, kebak ing kabagyan salebetipun pahargyan pengetan dinten Kartini samang-ke punika.

      Pangetan dinten Kartini wigatos sanget tumrap kula panjenengan sadaya. R.A. Kartini pindhanipun sekar ingkang tansah mbabar angambar ganda arum ing bangsa Indonesia. Panjenenganipun punika pangarsa tumrap wanita ingkang karyanipun mligi kangge majengipun wanita wiwit duk rikala bangsa Indonesia taksih dipuncengkerem dening bangsa penjajah.

     Labuh lebetipun R.A. Kartini saestu luhur sanget tumrap kaum wanita. Langkung-langkung ing wekdal sapunika ingkang taksih kedah meres penggalih kangge majengipun bangsa. Panyengkuyungipun para wanita boten saged dipunremehaken, malah kepara langkung bobotipun tumrap pembangunan majengipun bangsa punika.

       Pancen sampun dipundokrataken para wanita saha limrah nggadahi raos ingkang kalangkung alus. Sanadyan makaten geget ing manah tansah makantar pindha waja ngudi kautaman. Sadaya punika inggih awit saking pangaribawanipun lelabetanipun Ibu Kartini ingkang sampun tumanem ngrembaka ing mahanipun wanita Indonesia.

     Sampun cetha ing panggesangipun bangsa kathah wanita ingkang saged kiprah kadi dene para priya ing babagan warna-warni. Ingkang makaten punika saestu saged damel mongkoging manah.

     Kanti makaten punika sumangga kadang-kadang putri sami saged nglajengaken gegayuhan tuwin lelabetanipun Ibu Kartini ingkang luhur punika. Ingkang boten kenging dipunlirwakaken inggih punika tansah ngudi jatidhirinipun putri Indonesia. Putri Indonesia ingkang prasaja, mrantasi sadhengah karya.

    Semanten saha makaten atur kula. Mugi sami kepareng maringi pangapunten tumrap sadaya kekirangan lan kelepatan kula.

Nama :Deni Purbiantoro


Geguritan (Puisi Bahasa Jawa) - Kanggo Kanca - + Analisis Tema lan Amanat

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Kanggo Kanca
Biyen, tanganmu genggem tanganku
Biyen, pundakmu enek kanggo aku nangis
Biyen, guyumu nentremke atiku
Nanging saiki....
Tangan, pundak, guyumu ilang saka uripku
Kanca-kancaku kabeh,bayangna
Apa sajatining kahanan sajroning dunya
Yen ora ana welas lan asih
Ora ana uga kekancanan tanpa pamrih
Ing sakjroning manah atiku
Aku ngrasakna kepengin ngamuk wektu iku
Kanca lan kancaku
Elinga rasa ati
ku iki
Jaganen rasaning welas asih iki

Tema     : Geguritan iku nganut tema kekancanan kang rusak amarga ora ana welas asih
Amanat : Kita urip nang dunya iki kudu ana rasa welas asih marang kanca lan sedulur, kita kudu terus ana wektu kanca butuhne kita



Contoh : Pambagyaharja Acara Pengajian

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Assalamualaikum wr wb
          Dhumateng panjenenganipun Bapak ketua RT Ingkang kinurmatan,Para jamaah masjid An-nuur ingkang kula urmati,dalasan kadhang-kadhang pemuda ingkang kula tresnani winantu ing suka basuki.
          Para jamaah ingkang winantu ing sukarena,mangga langkung rumiyin dherekaken puji syukur wonten ngarsanipun Gusti ingkang maha kuasa,awit kula lan panjenengan kaparingan kasarasan saged makempal ing papan mriki,kangge hadiri acarapengajian rutin malem kemis legi.
          Para jamaah kakung saha putri,wonten ing wekdal punika panjenengan lan kula kedah evaluasi diri kula lan panjenengan sami,menapa panjenengan kedah nuntut ilmu kanthi tumut pengajian rutin menika.pengajian malem kemis legi menika kedah dilestarikaken sesarengan,supados panjenengan lan kula saged ningkataken ilmu agami.kanthi pengajian menika kita saged dadosakkken generasi muda ing mriki gadhah sifat lan tumindhak ingkang dituladhaaken agami.
          Para jamaah ingkang kinurmatan,mugi mugi tambah kathah ingkang dherek pengajian rutin menika lan mgi saged ngrengketake silaturahmi panjenengan saha kula.Pramila wonten kekirangan anggenipun ngawontenaken pengajian rutin menika,panitia saha kula nyuwun panyaruwe ingkang saged dhamel mindhak saenipun sesrawungan wonten mriki.
          Para jamaah ingkang kula urmati,pramila anggenipun kula matur kathah kekirangan,kula nyuwun pangapunten
                             Wassalamualaikum wr wb


Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Pambagyaharja / Tanggap Wacana Acara Rapat Pelantikan Pengurus Karang Taruna

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Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb

Dhumateng panjenenganipun Bapak Ketua RW Jaten ingkang kula urmati, ingkang kinurmatan Bapak Ketua RT Jaten saha para tamu undhangan ingkang kinabekten. Saha kadang-kadang kula karang taruna “ Tunas Bangsa” ingkang winantu ing kabagyan lan kawilujengan.
Para tamu ingkang winantu ing suka rena, mangga langkung rumiyin kula nderekaken puji dalasan syukur wonten ngarsanipun Gusti Ingkang Agung awit kula lan panjenengan dinten menika saged makempal ing papan mriki. Dene ing dinten ingkang mirunggan punika kula lan panjenengan taksih saged dhateng wonten rapat pelantikan pengurus karang taruna “Tunas Bangsa” ingkang enggal.
Para tamu sindhehan, kula makili para pemudha desa Jaten ngucapaken selamat kangge para pengurus karang taruna “Tunas Bangsa” ingkang enggal. Mugi-mugi pengurus menika saged nglajengaken kepengurusan. Mugi sageda ningkataken solidaritas, kreativitas, persatuan lan kesatuan ing salebeting organisasi. Nengenaken kapentingan klompok tinimbang kapentingan pribadi. Mugi-mugi kepareng panyengkuyung dhateng warga desa menika.
Ingkang pungkasan, mbok bilih wonten kakiranganipun trapsila anggenipun ngacarani kula nyuwun pangapunten.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb


Drama : Kemenangan , Pemain 5 Orang Perempuan

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Hari ini adalah hari kebebasan dan kemenangan untuk Chacha dan teman-temannya yang bersekolah di SMA Bunga Bangsa. Tawa  senang terdengar di seluruh ruang kelas. Tak terkecuali kelas Chacha. Tema pembicaraannyapun tentu seputar liburan. Sekelompok anak sedang bermain futsal di lapangan samping kantin sekolah, ada juga yang mengumpul merencanakan liburan mereka. Chachapun tak kalah, dia juga sangat berantusias membicarakan seputar liburan bersama ketiga temannya, Lia, Selly, dan Nisa.
Nisa : “Sel, kamu udah punya ide buat liburan kali ini ?”
Selly : “Belum nih.”
Chacha : “Tumben banget sih, biasanya kamu kan yang paling duluan menyampaikan ide-   idemu yang brilian itu.” (sedikit menyindir)
Lia : “Iya betul banget tuh Cha.” (berusaha memihak kepada Chacha)
Selly : “Ah... kalian apaan sih, aku tuh  . . . . .” (belum selesai Selly menyelesaikan perkataanya, buru-buru dipotong Chacha)
Chacha : “Pasti laper , iya kan ?” (Chacha tertawa melihat tingkah temannya yang satu itu)
Selly : “Tau aja sih.” (sambil meringis)
Lia : “Huh payah banget sih, masih pagi kok udah laper.” (sedikit meledek)
Chacha : “Yaudah, sekarang kita ke kantin makan dulu deh.”
Ttttttttttttt, bunyi bel tanda pulang sudah terdengar. Semua murid telah diperbolehkan pulang. Alhasil hanya ada Chacha, Lia, Selly, dan Nisa yang masih menikmati soto di kantin.
Chacha : “Gimana kalo kita lanjutin nyusun rencana liburannya dirumahku aja.” (memulai pembicaraan)
Nisa : “Boleh boleh.”
Lia : “Enaknya jam berapa Cha ?”
Chacha : “Aku sih terserah kalian aja. Soalnya aku nanti juga gak kemana-mana kok.”
Selly :“Gimana kalau jam 11 aja ?”
“OK.” jawab mereka serempak.

Sesuai dengan perjanjian tadi, sekitar pukul 11 ketiga temannya sudah sampai dirumah Chacha. Tanpa menghiraukan ucapan tuan rumah yang membukakan pintu, mereka langsung menyelonong masuk menuju teras belakang yang menjadi tempat favorit untuk mereka dan tentunya juga bagi Chacha sendiri untuk melepas penat.
Ketiga temannya langsung merebahkan diri di sofa.
Chacha : “Gimana, kalian udah punya ide?” (sembari membawa camilan untuk sahabatnya)
Selly : “Kalo aku sih, gimana kalo kita pergi ke Bali ?”
Lia : “Seru juga sih itu, tapi pasti kita gak dapat persetujuan deh.” tambah Lia.
Nisa : “Soal ke Bali di delay aja deh. Emmm, aku punya ide. Gimana kalo kita pergi ke Jogja aja ?”
Selly :“Plus menginap pasti seru banget deh.”
Chacha : “Seru juga. Usulan bisa diterima tuh” (Chacha tak mau kalah)
Lia : “Tapi gimana transportasinya buat kesana ?  Kalo kita naik pramex, pasti sulit menuju tempat wisatanya. Kan gak semuanya ada angkutan umumnya.”
Chacha : “Masalah transportasinya aku juga bingung. Tapi aku akan berusaha membujuk orang tuaku supaya boleh membawa mobil ke Jogja.”
Nisa : “Kalo dibolehin pasti tambah seru deh.”
Selly : “Oh ya aku hampir lupa untuk mengatakan hal ini. Kita perginya berempat saja, gak boleh ada cowok yang ikut. Itu hanya akan membuat kita semakin ribet.”
Chacha : “Iya, kita harus menikmatinya tanpa ada gangguan dari siapapun.”
Kemudian Chacha mengajak teman-temannya untuk makan siang. Setelah Chacha selesai makan, dia memutuskan untuk meninggalkan ketiga temannya yang masih berkutat dengan makanan masing-masing.
“Kalian lanjutin makannya aja, aku mau keatas dulu ya.” kata Chacha yang kemudian bergegas menuju ruang keluarga di lantai atas. Setelah mendapat posisi duduk yang nyaman, diapun mengambil ganggang telepon dan memencet nomor yang begitu dihafalnya. Setelah tersambung, terdengar suara dari seberang yang begitu dia rindukan.
Mama : “Halo sayang.” (suara dari seberang telepon)
Chacha : “Hai Mama, gimana kabarnya disitu.”
Mama : “Alhamdulillah baik, kamu sendiri ?”
Chacha : “Aku baik-baik juga. Papa kemana Ma ?” (tanyanya ingin tahu)
Mama : “Papa baru keluar. Kak Dion kemana Cha ?”
Chacha : “Tadi sih katanya mau ketemu sama temen lamanya gitu Ma.”
Mama : “Kapan nyusul kesini Cha, Mama sama Papa udah kangen sama kalian.”
Chacha : “Belum tau juga sih Ma, abisnya Kak Dion sibuk sih. Padahal aku juga udah ngebet pengen kesitu.”
Chacha : “Ma…” (lanjutnya)
Mama : “Ada apa Cha ?” (tanyanya halus)
Chacha : “Mama boleh enggak aku pergi ke Jogja sama teman-temanku ?” (tanya Chacha penuh pegharapan)
Mama : “Mama sih boleh-boleh aja. Tapi gak tau sama Papa boleh apa enggak.”
Chacha : “Bujuk papa ya Ma, Oh ya tanyakan juga bolehkah aku membawa mobil…” (tanyanya lirih takut kena celotehan Mamanya)
Mama : “Kalo bawa mobil suruh nganterin Kak Dion aja.”
Chacha : “Ayolah Ma, bujuk Papa juga yah ? Itung-itung sebagai hadiah kelulusanku. Lagian aku kan juga udah punya SIM.”
Mama : “Iya Mama bantu.”
Chacha : “Udah dulu ya Ma. Kasihan tuh sama teman-temanku yang nunggu dibawah. Salam buat Papa, aku merindukan kalian.”
Mama : “Iya. Baik-baik disitu.”
Setelah menutup telepon Chacha bergegas menemui temannya. Ternyata ketiga temannya sedang asyik ngobrol.
Chacha : “Sorry ya, aku tinggalin kalian agak lama.” (merasa bersalah)
Selly : “Ngapain aja sih kamu diatas ?” (tanyanya ingin tahu)
Chacha :“Aku habis nelpon Mamaku ngasih tau soal rencana liburan kita.”
Nisa :“Oh bagus deh.” (tanggap banget sih pikirnya)
Lia : “Trus Mama kamu gimana Cha ?”
Chacha : “Mamaku sih ngijinin, tapi kalo bawa mobil katanya mau dibicarain sama Papaku dulu. Yah, semoga aja dibolehin.” kata Chacha penuh pengharapan.
“Amiin.” Lanjut mereka bertiga.
Setelah mendapat persetujuan dari masing-masing orangtuanya. Chacha dan ketiga sahabatnya memutuskan berangkat 3 hari setelah acara Pentas Seni di sekolahnya. Alhasil tempat wisata yang akan dikunjungi adalah Pantai Baron, Pantai Parangtritis dan Malioboro. Mereka juga memutuskan untuk menginap di rumah Chacha malamnya. Agar mereka tidak saling menunggu saat akan berangkat nantinya.

Kelompok 7 :
1. Nia Ardinurrohmah (7)
2. Fella Adiatika (21)
3. Nuraini Anis A (27)
4. Aulia Raissara P (29)
5. Firma Aditya S (30)


Friday, 21 December 2012

Materi Kelas XI pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Semester 1 Bagian 1 - Report -

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A.    Building Knowledge of Field
Speech Function (Listening & Speaking)

Expressing Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction
Task 1
Listen to your teacher reading the following dialogue. Identify the expressions.

Rounded Rectangular Callout: I did not like the ending. Moreover, I was not satisfied with the story.Rounded Rectangular Callout: What do you think of the movie we watched last night?

Task 2

Study these following expressions.
Expressing satisfaction
• I’m satisfied/ glad/ happy with ….
• I Like/love it.
• It gives me pleasure.
• It’s really satisfying.
• Everything was satisfying.
• That’s nice/great/marvelous

Expressing dissatisfaction
• I’m not satisfied with ….
• I’m not happy with this.
• I dislike …..
• I’m dissatisfied with ….
• It’s dissatisfying.
• That’s annoying.
Study this dialogue

Task 3
Read the text carefully.
Robert    : How do you feel about this food?
Terry        : Wow….. I am very satisfied. It’s very delicious.
Robert    : Yes, you are right. Would you have anymore?
Terry       : Yes, of course.
Robert    : I will take some for my younger sister. She’ll be very happy.
Terry       : Yeah and I will take for my mom at home.
Robert    : But, unfortunately, I am not happy with the service.
Terry       : I’m with you, because we have to wait for a long time.
Robert    : OK. Let’s go home.
Terry        : Yeah.

Task 4
Answer the questions based on the dialogue above.
  1. Which expression showing satisfaction?
  1. Which expression showing dissatisfaction?
Task 5
Read the dialogue and answer the questions based on the dialogue.
Paul     : Have you read today’s newspaper?
James   : Not yet. Is it interesting?
Paul     : Yes, the apology from the company. Take a look. The paper is over there.
James   : Picking up the newspaper and starting to read it. Is that all?
Paul     : Yes.
James   : This is not enough. I’m not satisfied yet. The size of the ads should have been half of the page. Besides, the company only apologized but they didn’t mention what they would do.
Paul     : Oh, come on. The point is not the matter of the size, but the company sincere to apologize.
James   : Still it’s not satisfying.
Paul     : I think they have already shown their good will. It’s more than enough.
Answer the following questions briefly.
1. Who are involved in the dialogue above?  ………………………………………….
2. What is the content of the paper?  …………………………………………………..
3. What does James say to express his dissatisfaction?  ……………………………….
4. Why does he feel so?  ……………………………………………………………….
5. Write Paul’s expression to express his satisfaction.  ………………………………..
Task 6
Make your own dialogue based on the situation given in each number.
1.           Ben and Fred are in the internet café. They are complaining about the connection which is too slow.
Ben   : _____________________________________
Fred  : _____________________________________
Ben   : _____________________________________
Fred  : _____________________________________
Ben   : _____________________________________
2.           Sarah and her mother just came from the hospital for taking a medical check up. The doctor always kept smile and spoke politely during the check up.
Sarah : _____________________________________
Mom : _____________________________________
Sarah : _____________________________________
Mom : _____________________________________
Sarah : _____________________________________
Expressing Warning
Task 7
Study these expressions.

  1. Watch out!
  2. Look out!
  3. Be careful!
  4. Take care when you drive!
  5. Whatever you do, do it carefully.
  6. Beware!
  7. These tablets should be kept out of the reach of the children.
  8. Read the instruction attentively.
  9. Keep out of the carpet. It has just been cleaned.

Wina                : “Mom, let me go out for a while, please?”
Mother             : “Where are you going to go, Win?”
Wina                : “I’d like to visit Ririn. She got accident this morning. She is in the hospital now.”
Mother             : “Okay, but take care when you drive! The road is very slippery.”
Wina                : “Thank you, Mom.”

Task 8
Complete the dialogue by putting the appropriate expression in the box below.
Harry         : “Dad, can I use the screwdriver?”
Dad           : “The screwdriver is in the toolbox in the warehouse. …………”
Harry         : “I need to repair the lamp switch in my room”
Dad           : ”…………. Turn the fuse off, first and ………………………..”
Harry         : “Ok Dad. By the way, ……………….”
Dad           : “It’s in the warehouse too, on the wall, behind the door.”
Harry         : “I’ve turned the fuse off. I’m ready to repair the switch.”
Dad           : “………….”
Harry         : “Of course.”

Folded Corner: a.	Use gloves to protect your hands
b.	What a good boy.
c.	What for?
d.	That’s dangerous.
e.	Be careful
f.	Where can I find the fuse box?


Grammar Focus
Simple Present Tense
The functions of Simple Present Tense are to express general truth or fact, and habitual activities/actions. The time references used in Simple Present Tense are:
Every … (week/month/year, etc.), Always, Often, Usually, Sometimes, Seldom, Never, Annually, Occasionally, etc. The pattern of Simple Present Tense is as followed: 

  1. Verbal Pattern
(+) He//She/It + V1-s/-es
(+) I/We/You/They + V1
(-) He/She/It + does not/ doesn’t+V1
(-) I/We/You/They+do not/don’t+V1
(?) Does + He/She/It + V1 + ?
(?) Do + I/We/You/They + V1

  1. Nominal Pattern
(+) He/She/It + is + Adj/N/Adv
(-) He/She/It + is not/ isn’t + Adj/N/Adv
(?) Is + He/She/It + Adj/N/Adv + ?
(+) We/You/They + are + Adj/N/Adv
(-) We/You/They + are not/ aren’t + Adj/N/Adv
(?) Are + We/You/They + Adj/N/Adv + ?

(+) I + am + Adj/N/Adv
(-) I + am + not + Adj/N/Adv
(?) am + I + Adj/N/Adv + ?

Logan             : Do you speak English?
Javier              : Yes, I do, how about you? Do you speak English too?
Logan             : No, I don’t. Well, I speak a little.
Javier              : Does Sarah speak English?
Logan             : Yes, she does. And how about Yahiko? Does he speak English too?
Javier              : No, he doesn’t. He speaks a little English.
Logan             : Where are you from?
Javier              : I am from Cuba.
Logan             : Where is Sarah from?
Javier              : She is from Canada.
Logan             : Is Yahiko from China?
Javier              : No, he isn’t. He’s from Japan.
Logan             : What about Won Bin and Lee Min Ho? Are they Japanese too?
Javier              : No, they aren’t. They are Koreans.  

Task 9
Correct the word in the bracket.
Mr. Bennet     : Where (be)…. Jimmy?
Mrs. Bennet   : He’s in bed.
Mr. Bennet     : What (be)…. the matter with him?
Mrs. Bennet   : He (feel)…. ill.
Mr. Bennet     : We must call the doctor.
Mrs. Bennet   : Yes, we must.
Mr. Bennet     : (….)…. you remember the doctor’s phone number?
Mrs. Bennet   : Yes. It (be) 09-8976
Doctor Khan  : Open your mouth Jimmy, say ‘Ah’.
Mrs. Bennet   : How (be)…. Jimmy, Doctor?
Doctor            Khan  : He (have)…. a bad cold. He must stay in bed for a week.
Mrs. Bennet   : That (be)…. a good news for Jimmy.
Doctor            Khan  : Good news? Why?
Mrs. Bennet   : Because he (not/like)…. school.

Task 10
Fill the blank with suitable form.
A cactus (plural: cacti, cactuses, or cactus) (is/are)…. a member of the plant family Cactaceae, within the order Caryophyllales. Cacti (is/are)…. native to the Americas, ranging from Patagonia in the south to parts of western Canada in the north. There is only one exception, Rhipsalis baccifera, which is also found in Africa and Sri Lanka.
Most cacti (live/lives)…. in habitats which are subject to at least some degree of drought. Many live in extremely dry environments, even being found in the Atacama Desert, one of the driest places on earth. Cacti (show/shows)…. many adaptations to conserve water. Most species of cacti have lost true leaves, retaining only spines, which are highly modified leaves. As well as defending against herbivores, spines (reduce/reduces)…. air flow close to the cactus and provide some shade, both of which help to prevent water loss.
In the absence of leaves, enlarged stems (carry/carries)…. out photosynthesis. Unlike many other succulents, the stem (is/are)…. the only part of most cacti where this vital process (take/takes)…. place. Cactus stems also (store/stores)…. water, often being ribbed or fluted which allows them to expand and contract easily. Cacti come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. The tallest free-standing cactus is Pachycereus pringlei, with a maximum recorded height of 19.2 m (63 ft), and the smallest is Blossfeldia liliputiana, only about 1 cm (0.4 in) in diameter at maturity. Many cacti (have/has)…. a short growing season and a long dormancy and are able to react quickly to any rainfall, helped by an extensive but relatively shallow root system. A fully grown saguaro (Carnegiea gigantea) is said to be able to absorb as much as 200 US gallons (760 l; 170 imp gal) of water during a rainstorm.

B.     Modeling of Text
Task 11
Read the text loudly!
Attention, please. OK, students, today I’m going to tell you about a platypus. Do you know what is platypus? Many people call platypus duckbill because this animal has a bill like duckbill. Platypus is a native Tasmania and southern and eastern Australia.
Platypus has a flat tail and webbed feet. Its body length is 30 to 45 cm and covered with a thick and woolly layer of fur. Its bill is detecting prey and stirring up mud. Platypus' eyes and head are small. It has no ears but has ability to sense sound and light.
Platypus lives in streams, rivers, and lakes. Female platypus usually dig burrows in the streams or river banks. The burrows are blocked with soil to protect it from intruders and flooding. In the other hand, male platypus does not need any burrow to stay.

Task 12
Answer the questions based on the text!
1.      What does the text about?
Answer: ……………………………………………………………………………
2.      What is Platypus generally called as?
Answer: ……………………………………………………………………………
3.      How is the appearance of Platypus?
Answer: ……………………………………………………………………………
4.      Where do the Platypus live well?
Answer: ……………………………………………………………………………
5.      Where do they originate?
Answer: ……………………………………………………………………………
6.      What is the habit of female Platypus?
Answer: ……………………………………………………………………………
7.      Why are the burrow blocked?
Answer: ……………………………………………………………………………
8.      Does the text use simple present tense?
Answer: ……………………………………………………………………………
9.      Circle the information below which are used to tell about Platypus!
a.       the size            d.  the habits
b.      the fur             e.  the feet
c.       the eyes           f.   the way to live
10.  What does the text intend to?
Answer: ……………………………………………………………………………

Analyzing on the Text
Generic Structure analysis
General classification; stating general classification, the animal of platypus.
Description; describing in detail characterization of platypus' body and habitual life
Language Feature Analysis
Focusing in group; the animal of platypus
conditional, logical connective; but, in the other hand
Simple present tense pattern; Platypus lives in streams, male platypus does not need any burrow, etc

C.    Joining Construction of Text
Task 13
Work in pairs. Look at this chart.

What kind of plant does banana belong to?
·         Monocotyl
·         Tropical plant

Where can you find?
·         In the garden
·         In the plantation

What does a banana tree look like?
·         Its height is up to 3 m.
·         The leaves are long.
·         They grow from a small root.
·         The trunks have layers
·         They produce sucker.

What does the fruit look like?
·         They are produced from a sucker.
·         These fruit start growing downwards before they grow in large bunches.
·         A fully grown bunch can weigh up to thirty five kilos
What are the uses of banana?
·         They can be made into various foods.
·         Their leaves can be made into food wrapper.
·         Bananas are easily digested.
·         Bananas contain important trace minerals.
·         Bananas provide healthy energy boost.
·         Bananas are very useful for athletes and tennis player.

Task 14
Based on the information in the chart, tell your friends about banana.
Use the planner below:



General classification





Task 15
Make similar chart about a certain plant and tell your report to your friends.

D.    Independent Construction of Text
Task 16
Tell your friends using a picture of an animal, a plant, or a thing.


A.    Building Knowledge of Field
Grammar Focus
A conjunction is a word that links words, phrases, or clauses. There are three types of conjunctions: coordinating conjunctions, correlative conjunctions, and subordinating conjunctions.
a. Coordinating Conjunctions


An easy way to remember these six conjunctions is to think of the word FANBOYS. Each of the letters in this somewhat unlikely word is the first letter of one of the coordinating conjunctions. Remember, when using a conjunction to join two sentences, use a comma before the conjunction.

Examples and Sentences Coordinating Conjunctions
The boy keeps the lights on, for he is afraid of sleeping in the dark.
We have tickets for the symphony and the opera.
The orchestra rehearses on Tuesday, but the chorus rehearses on Wednesday.
Have you seen or heard the opera by Scott Joplin?
I didn’t study, yet I passed the exam.
I wanted to sit in the front of the balcony, so I ordered my tickets early.

b. Correlative Conjunctions
not only...but also

Remember, correlative conjunctions are always used in pairs. They join similar elements. When joining singular and plural subjects; the subject closest to the verb determines whether the verb is singular or plural.

Examples and Sentences Correlative Conjunctions
Both my sister and my brother play the piano.
Tonight's program is either Mozart or Beethoven.
Neither the orchestra nor the chorus was able to overcome the terrible acoustics in the church
not only...but also
Not only does Sue raise money for the symphony, but she also ushers at all of their concerts.
She asked to his husband whether he would go to London or stayed at home.
c. Subordinating Conjunctions
Subordinating conjunctions, (subordinators) are most important in creating subordinating clauses. These adverbs that act like conjunctions are placed at the front of the clause. The adverbial clause can come either before or after the main clause. Subordinators are usually a single word, but there are also a number of multi-word subordinators that function like a single subordinating conjunction. They can be classified according to their use in regard to time, cause and effect, opposition, or condition. Remember; put a comma at the end of the adverbial phrase when it precedes the main clause.

now that
even though
only if
whether or not
in order that
even if
 in case (that)

Examples and Sentences Subordinating Conjunctions  
We are going out to eat after we finish taking the test.
Since we have lived in Atlanta, we have gone to every exhibit at the High Museum.
While I was waiting in line for the Matisse Exhibit, I ate my lunch.
Although the line was long and the wait over two hours, the exhibit was well worth it
even if
Even if you have already bought your ticket, you will still need to wait in line.
I love Matisse's works because he uses color so brilliantly.

Task 1
Fill in the blanks with these words: although, and, because, but, or, since, so, unless, until, when.

1.      Things were different _____ I was young.
2.      I do it _____ I like it.
3.      Let us wait here _____ the rain stops.
4.      You cannot be a lawyer _____ you have a law degree.
5.      That was years _____ years ago.
6.      She has not called _____ she left last week.
7.      I saw him leaving an hour _____ two ago.
8.      This is an expensive _____ very useful book.
9.      We were getting tired _____ we stopped for a rest.
10.  1He was angry _____ he heard when happened.
11.  1Walk quickly _____ you will be late.
12.  He had to retire _____ of ill health.
13.  We will go swimming next Sunday _____ it's raining.
14.  I heard a noise _____ I turned the light on.
15.  Would you like a coffee _____ tea?